We're excited to announce another new release of the MindLink product suite. With this release, v19.6, we have introduced several new features along with the bug fixes and improvements. Below is an overview of the newly added features, the full release are packaged with the server installers.
New Features in Version 19.6
Below is an overview of the latest feature introductions with version 19.6.
Message Translation in MLA
When enabled, messages can be translated from any of the supported languages into the user’s set target language. users can set their local target language from the log-on page. By default this is set to English. Messages received in IM conversations, Multiparty conversations or chatrooms can then be translated. Translation can be utilised manually, which translates each message one by one by clicking an icon, or a per-room preference can be enabled that automatically translates all incoming messages.
Disabling the Default Disclaimer
The feature to show a custom disclaimer is now optional. Previously HTTP headers injected by pre-authenticating proxy infrastructure could be used to determine which disclaimer to show the user. Currently, if no headers are injected by the proxy infrastructure, then no disclaimer is shown.
Configurable Logger Destinations
As part of an on-going initiative to improve logging, an ability to configure different output log streams to different destinations has been added. This allows the administrator to filter different kinds and levels of log messages to different files.
Disabling Conversation History in MLA
This is a client preference to set private conversations to not automatically load conversation history (only applies if Instant Messaging is enabled). When active, opening a conversation will show an empty chat. Otherwise, history will still be saved as normal, and the load history button will be shown to allow manual loading.
Version 19.6 Downloads
This concludes the list of new features introduced in version 19.6, for the latest server installers please click on the product names below:
MindLink Anywhere
Empowering users in the digital workplace with an intuitive, feature-enhanced Persistent Chat web client that’s accessible anywhere.
MindLink Mobile
Secure Persistent Chat mobile client with modern messaging features and MAM support Available on iOS and Android phones & tablets.
MindLink API
Converging business processes with communication workflows. Connect external systems to Persistent Chat and post system data to chatrooms and users.